Keep Your Pets Ears Clean & Healthy With A Premium NATURAL Ear alleviate your furry friends ear help them stop scratching every couple of stop their ears from smelling prevent the buildup of dirt, wax or yeastIntroducing A Pet Ear Wash As Kind As Your Pet!Kind and gentle to your cat or dogs sensitive otic area, our Cat & Dog Ear Cleaner is exclusively made of PURE NATURAL ingredients, making an absolutely safe dog & cat ear wax cleaner!Please STOP & READ This Before Placing Your Order!Most sellers DONT WANT YOU TO KNOW that powerful, fast acting Ear Cleaner formulas contain HARMFUL chemical ingredients and alcohol that will affect your pets ear health, leading to serious side-effects.What is more, they WILL NEVER ADMIT that PREVENTION is the best cure, focusing their attention on TREATING ear infections, instead of PREVENTING them!And This Is What Makes Our Otic Solution Stand Out Among Similar Products! its Coconut & Palm Oil formula, guaranteed to de-bacterialize pet ears, keeping them spotlessly clean and PREVENTING infections its natural antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal action its reliable wax breakdown & odor elimination its gentle, pain-free action its efficiency for CATS & DOGS of ALL BREEDS & SIZESDont Be Afraid Of Pet Ear Infections Anymore!
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