Camil White Rice 1 kg

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Now: $39.94
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Camil Rice Type 1: Polished rice is the most consumed type of rice in Brazil. It is obtained when the husk is removed from the whole grain. Starch is the main component of rice, being a very good source of energy. It is low-fat (lower than 1%). Rice has no gluten and it is very suitable for celiacs, people who can not eat foods containing gluten, present in the flour, oats and barley. Camil rice does not need to be washed.Arroz Camil Tipo 1: O arroz polido mais consumido no Brasil. Obtido a partir da retirada da casca do gro integral. O amido principal componente do arroz, sendo tima fonte de energia. Possui baixo teor de gorduras (menor que 1%). O arroz no possui gluten, muito indicado para os celacos (pessoas que no podem consumir alimentos com gluten, presente na farinha, aveia e cevada).