California Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) | Tree Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company

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Now: $35.94
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Grow your own California Redwood - a living memento of the Golden State! Reaching heights greater than 365 feet, the magnificent Coast Redwood is not only the planet's tallest tree, but also one of the world's most long-lived, with life-spans of more than 2,000 years. Fossil records also indicate that the species is among the most ancient of trees; its lineage dating back 160 million years. At maturity, typical Coast Redwoods tower 175 to 300 feet, and have massive trunks 8 to 20 feet in diameter with deeply furrowed, reddish-brown bark. Only 5% of America's ancient Redwoods remain, most under State and National protection. About Jonsteen's Grow Kits: Growing a tree from seed is a magical and fascinating experience for people of all ages. Our 100% guaranteed Grow Kits provide everything you need to germinate some of the world's largest and most interesting tree species from seed - seeds, growing medium, a mini-greenhouse, and detailed instructions, which lead you through the whole process, from cold-stratifying your seeds to germination and transplanting.