Cafe Grande Empório 12 Ounce Ground Coffee Blend_ Brazil Medium Dark Roast Gourmet Ground Coffee_ 100 Percent Arabica _Cocoa Hazelnut_ 12 Ounce_

Was: $47.88
Now: $23.94
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Cafe Grande Emprorio was born in the state of Minas Gerais, the region of Brazil with the longest tradition in coffee production. We strive to value and enhance this tradition through a differentiated roasting and a careful processing of the fruit. Our mission is to offer our products to coffee enthusiasts around the world, not only with an amazing cup of coffee, but also experience all the great attributes that only a real coffee-loving company can deliver. After being harvested, our ripe coffee cherries undergo two selection processes. The first one reduces impurities and defects to a minimum, through a high precision automated process. Then a grade 16 sieve selects only the right-sized and well-shaped beans that will go through a roasting process favoring the sweetness and sensory characteristics of the fruit. We want you to cherish the moments we always found highly special. Whether it's to get your day started in the morning, to give that extra energy boost in the afternoon or even just to meet and chill with a friend, it's always a good excuse to have a cup of the finest coffee! Enjoy!