Buendia Instant 100 Percent Colombian Coffee Freeze Dried 6 oz

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This coffee combines the best of two worlds, in a spoon of instant coffee we have the wonders of a roasted and ground coffee delicately processed to preserve the great aroma and magnificent flavor and the fast and easy making of the cup of coffee. How to prepare a great cup of coffee is in your hands, just add 1 spoon of instant coffee (or more as desired if you prefer it stronger) to a cup and pour water or milk, hot or cold, stir and add sugar or any other edulcorant as desired. What makes this 100% Colombian instant coffee different from others is the process to become instant, that is by freeze drying, that is a process that slowly and softly extracts the water in solid state out of the coffee extract frozen in vacuum conditions adding low heat, that way the natural aromas and flavors of the coffee are preserved the most. The production process of a 100% Colombian instant coffee can be explained as following: after roasting and grinding the coffee beans comes the extraction of the coffee beverage by adding hot water, that liquid coffee is then concentrated by freezing it to -5 Celsius degrees so the water is frozen and extracted from the coffee extract (that has a lower freezing point), now concentrated and with a viscose texture is then sent to a freezing band at -50 Celsius degrees of temperature where the frozen coffee extract is grind again on the freezing room and send to a vacuum tunnel to extract the rest of the water in solid state (ice) to steam, leaving just the “freeze dried coffee” ready to pack and send to the world’s customers. Indulge yourself with a 100% Colombian instant coffee, place it in the shopping cart, store in your shelf and on the refrigerator after opening, just take it home with you and start enjoying a great cup of coffee every time. How did this up to date technology got to Colombia to produce this instant coffee known also as freeze dried coffee.