Broccoli Alcohol-FREE Liquid Extract Organic Broccoli Brassica Oleracea Sprouting Seed Glycerite Herbal Supplement 2 oz

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The origin of Broccoli (Brassica Oleracea) is the southern regions of Italy, but this plant has long been grown in many countries like China, India, the USA, the Mediterranean countries, Turkey, Israel. Brassica Oleracea is an annual herbaceous plant 55-100 cm high, with a branched root, the stem is cylindrical. The main stem ends with an inflorescence-head. When removing the apical inflorescence, lateral heads develop in the axils of the leaves. Flower brushes are long. Broccoli flowers are yellow, less often white in color. The seeds are round, dark brown or black. Broccoli blooms in September and October.