Born to Be Wild Alaska The Amazing Panda Adventure

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Born To Be Wild/Alaska/Amazing Panda Adventure, The (DVD) (3FE) (Multi-Title)

When your best friend is an 800-pound gorilla, where do you go to set her free? Anywhere she likes! A young boy and an ape who's learned to communicate with sign language hit the road in search of freedom in Born to Be Wild (Disc 1/Side A). Next, Alaska (Disc 1/Side B) is where two sons meet challenges (including a baddie played by Charlton Heston) and an irresistible polar bear while seeking their stranded father. And a 10-year-old American separated from his father in China lives The Amazing Panda Adventure (Disc 2) as he tries to protect an endangered baby panda from poachers. Follow your heart to adventure with these three family favorites.