Bonsai Tree Grow Kit - Japanese Maple - White Design - The Jonsteen Company

Was: $49.88
Now: $24.94
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The art of bonsai begins with a tree! This appealing germination kit gives the bonsai enthusiast everything needed to start a tree from the very beginning — from seed. That means total control for shaping the tree into an utterly unique bonsai masterpiece! This kit is stocked with Japanese Maple seed — a tree species known for its pleasing bonsai qualities and suitability for shaping. 100% guaranteed and perfect for both the novice and bonsai expert! About Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum): One of 21 species of Maple native to Japan, Japanese Maples have the most airy and delicate aesthetic of all Maples. Though no species has produced as many varieties, our "common" Japanese Maples have not only an uncommon grace and beauty, they are more rugged (withstanding more sun and wind), faster growing, and more drought-resistant than named forms. The leaves of Japanese Maples are 2 to 4 inches long with 5 to 9 deeply cut fine-toothed lobes, and are the source of the Japanese common name for the species, "Kaede" (meaning "frog paws"). The slow growing Japanese Maples stay fairly small (usually around 25 feet tall), and provide year-round interest. Young spring growth is glowing red; summer's leaves are soft green; fall foliage is scarlet, orange, or yellow; and slender, leafless branches in greens and reds provide winter appeal. Hardy enough to succeed in most climates, Japanese Maples prefer filtered sunlight and little wind. About Jonsteen’s 100% Guarantee: If your seed fails to germinate or your seedling perishes, we are happy to provide free replacement seed. We encourage all customers experiencing difficulties growing their trees to contact us through our toll-free "Tree Help Line" (1-888-387-3379).