Blue Mountain Arts Greeting Card For Your Birthday is Perfect For Wishing A Family member Friend or Someone Incredibly Special To You A Very Happy Birthday 48 x 69

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Cover message: for your birthday, I want to give you something very special …but it doesn’t come gift-wrapped in ribbons and bows./ inside message: the day you were born This world became a better place. Your smile lights up so many hearts, your kindness touches so many lives, and your willingness to give so much of yourself has made a real difference…/ what I want to give you as you celebrate your special day is the knowledge that you truly are a gift to those around you./ I want to fill your heart with the peace, joy, and satisfaction that comes from knowing you mean so much to so many people./ I want you to know you are appreciated, loved, and cherished on your birthday — and every day./ Wishing you the happiest birthday… and a wonderful Year