Blue Elf Aloe Vera Plant / 2.5" Pots / Easy Care -1-

Was: $76.86
Now: $38.43
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A tough. heat-loving hybrid for small spaces. Narrow, upright, blue-gray leaves contrast nicely with the pale orange flower spikes. This fuss-free succulent thrives in rock gardens or containers. The soil of the aloe vera plant should be allowed to go completely dry before being watered. When the aloe plant is watered, the soil should be thoroughly drenched, but the water should be allowed to drain freely from the soil. The most common reason an aloe plant dies is that the owners water too often or do not allow the water to drain. Do not make this mistake when taking care of aloe houseplants. Growing aloe vera houseplants is not only easy but can also provide your family with a plant that can help treat minor burns and rashes. Now that you know a little more about how to care for an aloe vera plant, you need never be without this lovely and helpful plant.