Blonde Henna Shampoo Colour and Shine 300 Ml Natural Organic

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Now: $41.58
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Specially formulated for blonde hair. Contains a mixture of henna and sunflower extracts that revive and protect the colour. Suitable for any type of hair, whether natural or dyed. You will achieve natural colour and shine. Results: Protects and revives the hair colour. Provides shine and brightness. Soft, healthy hair. Henna Henna is a plant with a whitish bark and yellowish white or slightly reddish pink flowers. Henna leaves contain tannins, quinone, flavonoids and lawsone. In cosmetics it is used as a natural hair dye. In addition, its tannin content gives it astringent and strengthening properties for the skin and the hair. Sunflower Plant with a herbaceous stem, heart-shaped leaves and large, yellow flower heads. It contains flavonglucosides, anthocyaninic glucosides, xanthophyll, choline, betaine, sapogenin and chlorogenic acid. In cosmetics, sunflower seed extract is used as it is rich in polyphenols, to protect the colour of natural and dyed hair against the aggression of ultraviolet rays and free radicals.