Bionaturae Elbows Organic Gluten Free Pasta - Non-GMO - Kosher - USDA Certified Organic - Made in Italy - 12 oz -3 Pack-

Was: $57.88
Now: $28.94
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Gluten free and delicious Eating gluten free pasta does not mean sacrificing taste, texture and nutrition anymore. Bionaturae carefully developed this gluten free pasta to cook "al dente" and closely match the flavor and nutritional content of wheat pasta. Bionaturae gluten free pasta will satisfy your dietary needs while bringing pleasure to your table - in the spirit of Italian dining tradition. Ingredients: Organic Rice Flour, Organic Rice Starch, Organic Potato Starch, Organic Soy Flour. Shop our Amazon store [Gluten Solutions] for more of your favorite gluten free items!