Big Pack - 4 O Clock Mix -500 Plus Seeds- Fragrant Mirabilis jalapa Flower Seeds - Marvel Of Peru - Butterfly Honey Bee Attractant - Non-GMO - Flower Seeds By MySeeds.Co -Big Pack 500 Plus Seeds-

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~ ~ WE OFFER BOTH PKT. & BULK SIZES ~ ~ ~ ......!~ FRAGRANT ~! FOUR O' CLOCK (MARVEL OF PERU) SEEDS Mirabillis jalapa The Four O' Clock flower is a fascinating flower with colorful blooms that vary in color across the plant or even the same blooms can vary over time. The 2" blooms open in the late afternoon and close again daily. The Four O' Clock plant has a large bushy habit that grows to 36" high and can make a great annual hedge. As an annual flower, these do well in all zones. Perennial when winter temperatures go no lower than 10 degrees F. Mixed colors of Red, Pink, Yellow, White, Rose 18 to 24 inches tall Sow 1/2 deep in full sun. Space plants 6 to 10" apart. · extremely fragrant · hardy zone 7-11 · very colorful Showy four o'clocks are perennial plants that die back to their roots each year. These plants form large clumps from multiple stems, are 1-3 feet tall and as broad or broader. The dark green leaves are opposite and are round to egg-shaped -- at times they appear heart-shaped -- with short petioles. The leaves and stems may be either smooth or have sticky hairs. The leaves vary from 3/4-7 inches long and are often pointed at the tip. They are extremely fragrant. Planting: Space Four O' Clock seeds 15-18" apart away from other interests you don't wish to cover or block. Plants can make a great hedge or border. Germination: Seeds usually take about 7 days to sprout. Transplant: When danger of frost is over, transplant to garden at desired spacing. Plants can be planted from 15-18" apart or further. Soil and Light: Plant enjoys sunny conditions and well drained soil. Plant will self seed profusely, deadhead blooms if you do not want volunteer plants next season.