Betty Crocker Muffin Mix Chocolate Chunk 335g

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Now: $29.45
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Betty Crocker Chocolate Chunk Muffin Mix. Just add 1 egg & water. Makes 6 muffins. - Prepare and Use: You will need: 130ml Water, 1 Medium Egg. Preheat oven at 200ºC (180ºC for fan assisted ovens or refer to oven manufacturer's instructions) / 400ºF/Gas Mark 6. Place muffin cases in muffin tin. Makes 6 large muffins. Muffin cases included. - Stir muffin mix, water and egg in bowl. Batter will be lumpy. - Spoon batter equally among muffin cups. - Bake in the middle of oven for 18-20 minutes or until skewer inserted in centre comes out clean. Cool for 5 minutes; remove from tin. Hints & Tips: For ease of filling cases use a large spoon and scrape off with a knife. If you do not possess a muffin tin, place paper cases on a baking sheet. Variations: Why not make mini muffins for a children's party or buffet? Make as directed, place in mini muffin tins or paper cases and bake for 12-15 minutes. Makes up to 30.