Bee Sting Honey N' Habanero Hot Sauce, 5 fl oz

Was: $69.60
Now: $34.80
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You've heard of the infamous Africanized Killer Bees we've turned the tables on these prolific honey producers, which are actually the predominant bee species in the rainforests of Costa Rica, by tapping into their golden harvest to produce BeeSting Honey N' Habanero Pepper Sauce. Like honey to a bee, this sweet-hot concoction is a soothing, satisfying complement to your favorite dishes. An Asian/Thai variant on traditional habanero sauce, Bee Sting Honey N' Habanero features a hint of black pepper, lemon and garlic blended in a pure honey base. Great on curries, stir-fry, Chinese take-out, grilled shrimp, pork and even ice cream no kidding! Like honey to a bee, this sweet-hot concoction is a soothing, satisfying complement to your favorite dishes. An Asian/Thai variant on traditional habanero sauce, Bee Sting Honey n' Habanero features a hint of black pepper, lemon and garlic blended in a pure honey base.