EcoVenger Bed Bug Killer is made by Reneotech Inc. As a leading innovator in the industry, Reneotech is known for their highly efficacious bio-insecticide line that is for consumers and professionals to solve their toughest problems with insects such as bed bugs, mosquitoes, ants and roaches.
In 2013, Reneotech launched its first natural bed bug formula. Studies have proven that the formula is more effective than the industrys top pesticides. It soon become PCOs go-to green bed bug tool. The formula was found to be the only natural product that kills bed bugs with efficacy of 100%, reported by a university study that was published in the Journal of Economic Entomology. Based on performance, in 2014 and 2015, USDA IR-4 Public Health Pesticide Program issued funding to the field study of Reneotechs formula for bed bug control.
Due to repeated use of pesticides over the years, many insects including bed bugs have become resistant to pesticides. Reneotech's formulas, however, have shown no compromise, therefore becoming the number one tool for professionals to combat resistance.
EcoVenger Bed Bug Killer not only quickly and thoroughly kills all bed bugs on contact, (including the resistant bed bugs) but also kills their eggs too, while leaving a two week dry residual for extra protection!
EcoVenger Bed Bug Killer is an upgrade of Reneotechs original bed bug patented formula, which contains a micro-scale delivery system that can penetrate insects exoskeleton. Meanwhile, its active ingredients block a neuron receptor that only exists in invertebrates, causing no harm to humans, pets, birds or fish.
EcoVenger only contains ingredients that are generally recognized as safe and bio-degradable. It is an EPA Minimum Risk Pest Control Product. It is safe to use in bed rooms and directly on mattresses and box springs.