Be Natural Organics Organic Sunscreen - Nude Tint 4 Oz (120 ml)

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Now: $57.95
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The most effective product you can use to delay wrinkles, skin cancer, age spots and sagging skin is a sunscreen. There are two types of sunscreen, Mineral and Physical. The safest is Mineral which is what BE NATURAL ORGANICS produces. MINERAL The most natural, safe protection. Contains the only two sunscreen ingredients recognized by the FDA as safe for your body and the environment. Zinc Oxide- nano-particle free, nontoxic, broad spectrum for UVA and UVB naturally healing, safe for people with melasma or rosacea (flare ups brought on by heat) Titanium Dioxide- nano-particle free, nontoxic, broad spectrum for UVA and UVB, also safe for heat activated skin issues. Does not harm ocean life. CHEMICAL Contains nanoparticles that can penetrate deep into your skin, body and lungs via inhalation which poses many threats including possible organ damage. Nanos disrupt our environment, with the super small size of nanos they can infiltrate and survive in wastewater plants that run into our streams, rivers, and waterways that end up in the soil food is grown in. Our oceans and sea life are also affected by the nano interaction in seawater with UV light, it inhibits phytoplankton growth, a vital nutrient for reefs, its inhabitants, and many species of living coral. Harmful ingredients in chemical sunscreens can stay in your body much longer then considered safe. These chemicals are known to cause damage to our bodies and our environment. The FDA is now calling for more testing on chemical sunscreens and the ingredients not always fully listed by name, specifically the inactive ingredients, preservatives (methylisothiazolinone), and fillers that can also be harmful. Look on your sunscreen bottle, the chemicals below have dangerous effects DAMAGE to our Bodies Oxybenzone – Hormone disruptor, skin reactions, absorption into breast milk, amniotic fluids, blood and urine Avobenzone – Toxic with chlorine, cause skin allergies Visit for more information.