Baraka 2x3 magnet - Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau

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Now: $31.26
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2x3 magnet with art by Raphaella Vaisseau. According to Wikipedia, in Islam, Baraka is "the beneficent force from God that flows through the physical and spiritual spheres." According to Webster's Dictionary, Baraka is "an indwelling spiritual force and divine gift inhering in saints, charismatic leaders, and natural objects." According to John-Roger and the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, Baraka is simply "divine essence." In John-Roger's book, Divine Essence, he explains that "as long as you're open, letting the love flow and directing your Light out, you are receiving and giving of Baraka, the Holy Spirit, the Light and Sound. You are an instrument of Light. The Spirit uses you to bring Light into this physical realm, and it radiates from you to all others on this level." (per NOTE: I ship FAST, usually same day, even though I allow 2-3 days.