Baleen Filters Turbo Ion Exchange Pool and Spa Pre-Filter Model AK-ION-PF

Was: $73.16
Now: $36.58
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Pool and Spa Turbo Ion Exchange Pre-Filter. Removes scale, calcium, magnesium, iron, lead, copper and other heavy metals including chloramines, hydrogen sulfide and many other harmful contaminates. Prevents floating flakes, unsightly stains, and nasty smells. Reduces demand on sanitizer and protects heater from burnout. Higher quality fill water makes water feel more natural, soft and pure. Essential for safe crystal clean pools & spas! Fill your pool or spa with bottled water! Easy to use directions! Step 1. Attach filter to any standard garden hose Step 2. Turn hose on and fill to the appropriate level Step 3. Balance the Ph and Alkalinity Step 4. Follow the start-up instructions in the Genesis manual *Replace the filter when it is full and restricts water.