Baked Yacon Chips by GOOD CHIPS 1 Ounce Bag - Pack of 6 Oil Free Crispy Thin Low Glycemic Index Low Calorie Vegan Friendly

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Now: $53.89
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GOOD CHIPS Crispy Yacon Andean Chips: Delightful Wholesome Snacks with Social & Environmental Power Good Taste: Baked + oil free crispy chips nothing artificial added! Our chips are made from real fresh yacon root, sliced thin and baked. Good Crunch Powerful taste with the crunch factor! They’re heavenly crisp, specially made for crunchaholics! Good Cause: Great crunch and an even better cause! 2% of our sales go towards small-scale farming communities to promote the restoration of endangered Páramo ecosystems. For a green, clean and fair world! What’s good for our planet is good for you! OUR STORY We were inspired by a heartwarming community advocating as the strategic caretakers of an endangered and priceless ecosystem The PÁRAMOS. Páramos are the sole provider of fresh water for millions of people. They are able to capture and retain 10 times more CO2 than tropical forests per square meter. PÁRAMOS ARE THE KEY TO THE WATER WE DRINK AND PURIFIED AIR WE BREATHE.