Baby Einstein - Lullaby Time

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ASIN: B000U1ZV26 DESCRIPTION: A blissful way to share a quiet moment with your baby! -- Exposes little ones to favorite lullabies -- Helps set a calm, cozy and comforting mood for you and your baby One of the greatest joys you'll ever experience is bonding with your baby during those calm, quiet moments. Lullaby Time: Soothing Sounds for Baby provides comforting sights and sounds as you relax and share this precious downtime. We've created a soothing oasis with real-life images of parents rocking their little ones; ocean waves at sunset; fluffy clouds; simple puppet shows; peaceful, happy babies and more -- all set to favorite lullabies by famous composers including Brahms, Bach, Mozart and Haydn. There's even a cozy story that you and your child can enjoy as you treasure this special time together. END DVD Features -- Repeat play -- Language tracks (Spanish, French and English) -- Puppet shows -- Goodnight book -- Sheep dreams -- Toy chest -- About Little Einstein (Available in French and English only)