B-12 2000 mcg 100 Lozenges

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Nervous System Health 3 Forms of B-12 including Co-enzyme Forms Essential for DNA Synthesis* Vegetarian Formula Vitamin B-12 (Cyanocobalamin) is a water soluble vitamin necessary for the maintenance of a healthy nervous system and for the metabolic utilization of fats and proteins. Vitamin B-12 is also essential for the synthesis of DNA during cell division and therefore is especially important for rapidly multiplying cells, such as blood cells. In addition, adequate intake of Vitamin B-12, along with Folic Acid and Vitamin B-6, encourages healthy serum homocysteine levels, thereby supporting cardiovascular health. Because Vitamin B-12 is found predominantly in animal products, strict vegetarians are at resk of developing Vitamin B-12 deficiency and may benefit from supplementation.*