Ayunwei Boat Cleat 8 Inch 316 Stainless Steel Dock Cleats Heavy Duty Open Base Cleat for Kayak Boat Canoe Mooring Deck and Decor of 2 Pcs

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Now: $58.94
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Why need to choose our boat cleats?

As a boat owner, one of the important things you want to worry about is the possibility of your boat coming loose from the dock and drifting away. Not only does this pose a significant safety hazard for those on nearby vessels, but there's also a chance that you will be held liable for any damage to other boats or the dock itself. You also run the risk of losing your boat altogether if it gets run up onto a rocky beach or otherwise pummeled by high winds in turbulent weather. Choosing good cleats is an important part of anyone's boat safety strategy. Our cleats are made of 316 stainless steel with high mirror-polished craft, which are corrosion-resistant, sturdy, and installed correctly onto the sides of the boat.

Which cleat length is right for me?

Here's a simple breakdown: You need 1" of cleat length for every 1/16" of dock line diameter, so a 4" cleat will suit standard 3/8" dock line. If you're unsure, or need to tie down a variety of vessels, go a size or two larger than you expect.

Sizing a boat cleat is not too difficult if we follow a short chain of dependencies: the size of cleat you should use depends on the size of line you use; the size of line you use depends on the size of boat you have. The general rule is fairly simple: