AWARD WINNING Best Self TAN FORCE Self Tanner Mousse 250ml Salon Quality Streak Free Fake Tan Foam Sunless Tan Tanning Lotion Natural Look Sunless Tanner Bronzer Cream Self Tanners Best Sellers

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Now: $68.90
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A Message from Andrea After many years of researching with my lab technicians we finally came up with a clear, low foam, none dehydrating Self Tanning Mousse that I named TanForce!

I developed my own Tan because I was so tired of all the annoying side effects from the other Fake Tan products on the market that I've tried over the years.

Suntanned skin looks good, it looks healthy, we all want that. We love the Sun but unfortunately it doesn't love us. I've created a product that does love us, it's kind and gentle, paraben free, easy to use and with no nasty side effects.

I was fed up with the messy application and the sticky creams that still take forever to dry. My Tan is clear, so it can't leave those unsightly brown patches on clothing and underwear. It's water based, instant drying and good to go in literally seconds. You can dress immediately with no marks from clothing.

Tans usually work out very expensive because you need to use such a lot especially with the lotion and cream types, the tube contents are gone after just a few applications.

TanForce will last and last as only a tiny smear is needed for a light Tan, a 2nd coat will give a deep Tan and a 3rd will create a deep dark Tan.

Tan Mousse products are usually made with a high foam soap content which dries out your skin and looks mottled and then patchy as it wears off. This is the worst side effect of all. It's unsightly, hard to exfoliate and prepare for a re-Tan.

Most of all the results is a gorgeous skinny looking natural tan. Colour development is fast within 6 hours, and it will steadily progress and develop more over a 24 hour period, to leave a longlasting sunkissed look. You need to try it xx

I love my NYK1 TanForce, I hope that you do too! Andrea xx