Aura Cacia 100 percent Pure Essential Oil Mandarin Orange - 0.5 fl oz - For Aromatherapy

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Aura Cacia 100% Pure Essential Oil Mandarin Orange Description: 100% Pure Essential Oil - Heartening Product Notes: Color: Orange-brown, yellowish brown or olive-brown Viscosity: MobileTop Note: Intensely sweet, aldehydic, sometimes 'fishy' citrus Middle Note: Sweet, floral, (neroli like) citrus Dry Note: Lingering floral-citrus sweetness Aromatherapy Actions: Uplifting, refreshing, cheering Safety Data: Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing. Avoid use in sun. Regulatory Status: GRAS 182.20 Origin: ItalyProcessing Notes: Essential oil is obtained by cold expression of the peels (pericarp) of fruits. Disclaimer These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.