Asian Pear 10 Seeds - Chinese Sand Pear Seeds Pyrus Pyrifolia Seeds Edible Fruit Tree Seeds for Planting Asian Pear Tree Plant Fast Growing Asian Fruit Tree Seeds

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Other Names: Crunch Pear, Apple Pear, Korean Pear, Japanese Pear, Taiwan Pear, Salad Pear, Nashi Growth Rate: Fast Plant Type: Deciduous Fruiting Tree Native Range: China and Japan Bloom Time: March-April Sun: Full Sun Drought Tolerance: Moderate Water: Moderate Maintenance: Medium-High Site Requirements /Soil Tolerances: Pears tolerate heavy, poorly drained soils better than most tree fruits. However, productivity is best on deep, well-drained loams with pH 6-7. Pears have very similar climatic requirements to apples, but are much more prone to fire blight and therefore cannot tolerate humid, wet springs. Pears require 900-1000 chill hours to break dormancy, although many Asian pears have lower chill requirements and can be grown as far south as northern Florida. Pears have similar or slightly lower cold hardiness than apples, tolerating  -10 to -20 F. Pears bloom 1-3 weeks before apple, and are therefore  prone to frost damage in most regions. Pears mature in as little as 90 days or as long as 200 days. Culture: Pyrus pyrifolia requires cross-pollination in order to bear fruit.   Sowing Pyrus pyrifolia Seeds: For best results, please follow the instructions in the order provided. Scarify: Soak in water for 24 hours Stratify: Cold 90 days, 40 Degrees F in a Moist Medium. Germination: Sow 1/4” Deep