Aroma Depot Raw African Black Soap Bars From Ghana (10 lbs.)

Was: $151.80
Now: $75.90
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African Black Soap is a versatile skincare product suitable for all skin types, including dry, rough, oily, and moderate surfaces. It offers numerous benefits such as soothing skin irritations and reducing acne scars. Additionally, it can alleviate discomfort associated with skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. The regular use of black soap also helps minimize early signs of aging, such as facial lines, thereby promoting youthful-looking skin. This multi-purpose soap can be used on the body, hair, feet, hands, and face. It is beneficial for various skin concerns, including eczema, psoriasis, stretch marks, acne, rashes, dry skin, itchy scalp, and sensitive skin. Moreover, it provides hydration and nourishment to the skin.