API POND CHLORINE HEAVY METAL NEUTRALIZER Pond Water Neutralizer 16-Ounce Bottle White 141B

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Now: $39.93
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Good water quality is the key to a healthy, beautiful pond. Tap water often contains chemicals such as chlorine, chloramines and heavy metals. These disinfectants make water safe for drinking, but they are highly toxic to pond life. High levels of disinfectants destroy fish gill tissue, preventing the uptake of oxygen, which can lead to fish death. Even low levels will irritate delicate fish tissue. Tap water must be treated before adding fish to make sure they remain healthy. API POND CHLORINE & HEAVY METAL NEUTRALIZER instantly removes chlorine and neutralizes chloramines. It also detoxifies heavy metals such as copper, lead, zinc, and other heavy metals found in tap and well water. Use this solution in freshwater ponds that are being filled for the first time, and when you're adding or changing water in an existing pond in order to help protect pond life. With API POND products, its easy to keep a beautiful pond. For over 50 years, API has been creating innovative, research-driven solutions that make it easier to care for your pond. API POND Pond Treatment Supplies are designed to work in conjunction with each other to provide best results to control algae, promote healthy bacterial growth and help control and cure fish diseases and conditions such as ich and fin rot. They work to provide a safe, hospitable environment for fish such as koi, catfish, perch, goldfish and more. With API, you can spend more time admiring your fish, and less time scrubbing your pond. Make sure to use all products as directed in order to ensure the best results.