American Plant Exchange Split Leaf Philodendron Monstera Deliciosa Live Plant 3 Gallon Indoor Outdoor Fruit Producing

Was: $115.80
Now: $57.90
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The Split Leaf Philodendron also called a philodendron Monstera, is a large popular easy- care houseplant that is not really a philodendron at all. A Split Leaf Philodendron grows rapidly & often has leaves that areup to 3' Long & 2' Wide. If you want a big, tropical, low maintenance plant, these plants are perfect. The Edible fruits, called cerimans or monsteras, supposedly taste like a combination of banana, Pineapple & mango & are high in potassium & vitamin C. They are used to flavor drinks & ice cream, or are eaten fresh. The fruit ripens from the bottom up. Once the thick, hard rind of hexagonal plates or scales covering the individual segments begin to dry out & fall away, the off-white, custard-like pulp underneath is cut away from the inedible core to eat.