AMERICAN PLANT EXCHANGE Dwarf Pomegranate Bush Indoor/Outdoor Air Purifier Live Plant, 6" 1 Gallon Pot, Fruit Producing!

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While most pomegranates growup to 30' Tall, this indoor miniature version will only reach 3'! Small Pomegranate fruits take Between 1-2 years to appear, & are preceded by ruffled, fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers in rich red-orange. This plant loves warm temperatures in full sun, so while you should move it outdoors in late spring & summer, keep it indoors in wintertime. Be sure to find a place for it in front of a sunny window. It thrives when potted in well-drained sandy soil. Before & after the flowers bloom, this shrub is shaped of many narrow branches with long, glossy, bright green leaves, making it a cheerful addition to any indoor space.