AMERICAN PLANT EXCHANGE Dwarf Cavendish Banana Tree Indoor/Outdoor Air Purifier Live Plant, 3 Gallon, Fruit Producing!

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The Dwarf Cavendish Banana Tree is a real banana plant grown for its heavy crop of full-sized fruit. Properly grown you will harvest large bunches of bananas from your tree & enjoy properly-ripened Bananas, not the artificial ripened fruit you find at the store. If you live in a warm area, The Dwarf Cavendish Banana Tree is an easy & attractive plant to grow in the garden to enjoy its tropical beauty & to harvest your own fruit. It needs a rich soil & plenty of water, as well as a warm, sheltered spot to grow in. It will very quickly grow from 5 to 9' In height with large leaves & create a wonderful tropical look in your garden. Remove the old stems at the ground Once they have produced that bunch of bananas.