American Plant Exchange Arabica Coffee Real Live Plant 6 inch Pot Flowering Indoor Outdoor Air Purifier

Was: $100.14
Now: $50.07
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Coffee beans grow on an attractive little plant with glossy green leaves and a compact growth habit. Native to Ethiopia, the coffee plant (Coffea arabica) will flower in the spring with small white flowers and then bear half-inch berries that gradually darken from green to blackish pods. They love moisture and humidity and should be misted with filtered water, and kept over a small tray of water filled with pebbles so that their roots do not sit in the water. Keep the soil constantly moist but not wet and do not allow them to sit in water. During the growing and flowering season feed monthly with a little bit of weak liquid fertilizer. Use a loose acidic potting medium that retains moisture but drains well. They can be planted outdoors in zones 9-11. Shipping and handling can be very tough on live plants so please be sure to open and check your plant right away. We are unable to ship this plant to California due to restrictions by the California Department of Agriculture. Please be aware that if your pet is a plant chewer this plant is considered toxic to animals. Please ensure that you order and receive an American Plant Exchange plant shipped and sold by Amazon. American plant exchange is a 35-year-old Florida based family nursery that supports women in our community in a mutually beneficial work release skill development program.