Alaskas Wild Denali

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Now: $61.83
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Description Experince life in Alaska in Alaskas Wild Denali! Grizzly bear cubs play, a moose wades in Wonder Lake and caribou forage on the tundra: Its all part of the beauty of life in Denali National Park and Preserve. Get breathtaking views of Alaska s majestic wildlife in footage shot across several summers in Alaskas Wild Denali, as well as stunning scenes of vibrant wildflowers and magnificent mountain ranges. Find out what makes this national park such a unique and awe-inspiring place! What can you see in Alaskas Denali National Park? It would probably be easier to list what you wont see, and you definitely wont get another view of this spectacular park like the one you get in Alaskas Wild Denali. Enjoy everything from dazzling wildflowers and abundant wildlife to snow-capped peaks and golden sunsets! Of course, the crown jewel is Mt. McKinley, but you will also skip across sparkling Wonder Lake and explore the emerald tundra spread across the 6 million-acre park and preserve. More than 650 species of flowers grow in the park, which is also home to 39 species of mammals and 167 different types of birds. Get amazing views of some of these beautiful plants and animals, including grizzly cubs, caribou, moose and much more! Alaskas Wild Denali was shot over the course of several summers to capture the most exquisite and exciting moments of life in one of Americas most breathtaking places.