Aid4 Immunity Superfood Immune Health Support from Algae Beta 1 3-Glucan

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Now: $66.94
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Aid4 Immunity’s BetaVia Complete: + PRIMES key immune cells—it triggers the release of signaling molecules that activate various immune functions and recruit additional immune cells to work. + FUELS good gut bacteria—it supports the growth of probiotic bacteria in the intestines, which host most of the body’s immune cells. + PROTECTS intestinal barrier integrity—it supports the health of the intestinal lining, whose proper functioning aids uptake of nutrients and keeps harmful bacteria from escaping the gut. Aid4 Immunity is a product of the USA based on a sustainable ingredient—BetaVia Complete—that is sourced from a natural freshwater algae, Euglena gracilis. This algae is grown in a patented, trade-secret process that maximizes the organism’s natural store of beta 1,3-glucan, while conserving its other vital nutrients. It's a nutrition solution for tough times, and also provides year-round immune support. Allergen-free, gluten-free, GMO-free, vegetarian, and kosher.