Abstract Quilted Mattress Pad White Fitted Waterproof Cotton Protector Cover by 33 x 75 (Cot)

Was: $167.86
Now: $83.93
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What if you could sleep comfortably at night, while preventing spills and stains on your mattress? With This Abstract Quilted Waterproof Mattress protector cover, you can easily accomplish that and drift off to dreamland at the same time! SOFTThe quilted top layer is made with 100% cotton. It enhances comfort and softness,so your sleep schedule isn't compromised in any way. DURABLENot only is the fabric highly breathable, but This Abstract Quilted Waterproof Mattress Pad Protector is long-lasting too.The middle and bottom parts are constructed with polyester to improve durabilitythe material is robust and prevents normal wear and tear from affecting overall quality.Polyester is abrasion resistant and doesn't absorb moisture, nor does it stretch or shrink.Since it returns to its original shape every time, the fitting is always snug and tight. MINIMAL MAINTENANCEYou don't have to go through complex cleaning instructionsan occasional wash with luke warm water is sufficient.It also has a quick-drying feature! NO MORE STAINSIsn't it annoying when you spill something on a pristine white mattress? Even more frustrating is when you have to scrub hard to remove the stain from leaving a permanent mark! SLEEP WELLUnlike other covers, this protector is gentle against the skin,so you can sleep peacefully without the slightest bit of unease. Thus, you can get a good night's rest sans interruptions and wake up rested and refreshed Gift it to someone who has just moved to a new home or purchased a new bed? "MONEY BACK GUARANTEE to a one full year!!!"you have nothing to loose an everything to gain". Click the 'Add to Cart' Button Now!!