This hilarious comedy from Seth MacFarlane, the creator of Family Guy and Ted, is filled with witty one-liners and an all-star cast. When Albert (MacFarlane) loses his girlfriend (Amanda Seyfried) to his moustached nemesis (Neil Patrick Harris), a mysterious and beautiful woman (Charlize Theron) rides into town and turns his luck around. But when her notorious outlaw husband (Liam Neeson) arrives seeking revenge, Albert must put his newfound courage to the test. Also starring the outrageous Giovanni Ribisi and Sarah Silverman.
Bonus Content:
Alternate Opening
Alternate Ending
Deleted/Extended/Alternate Scenes
Gag Reel
Once Upon a Time, In a Different West
A Fistful of Dirt
in Your Mouth
The Good, the Bad, and the Increasingly, Decreasing Population
Feature Commentary with Director/Producer/Co-Writer Seth MacFarlane, Co-Writers and Executive Producers Alec Sulkin & Wellesley Wild and Star Charlize Theron
Unrated Commentary with Director/Producer/Co-Writer Seth MacFarlane, Co-Writers and Executive Producers Alec Sulkin & Wellesley Wild and Star Charlize Theron
A Million Ways to Die in the West - Unrated -Blu-ray-
- SKU:
- RTW170962
- UPC:
- 191329075173
- Condition:
- New
- Availability:
- Free Shipping from the USA. Estimated 2-4 days delivery.