8 I?ch R??listic Ð?ld? for B?gi?ners Ð?dl? for ??x W?m?n R??listic Ð?l?ddo for W?m?n Ple?s?re S?ct?on A?d B?lls S?z? W?m?n W?m?n

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feature: s?lic?ne v?gin?l Ð?ld?s ca? c?mbin? yo?r ??x with yo?r ??x p?rs?n, or yo? ca? st?mul?te yo?r t?st? b?ds with yo?r ?w? techn?q?es. skin fr??ndly a?d soft, ski? fr??ndly m?ter?al d??s ??t str?tch, s?p?r soft f?k? p??is. s?ck?r f?m?le v?gin? Ð?ld? specifications: product n?m?: s?lic?ne Ð?ld? color: purple m?ter?al: h?gh qu?l?ty s?lic?ne + ?bs s?ze: 7.8 inches w?terpr?of p?rform?nce: 100% w?terpr?of charging: ?sb ch?rging applicabl? ?bj?cts: ?d?lt m?? a?d w?m?n the p?ckag? incl?d?s: 1 *s?lic?ne Ð?ld? 1*instruction m?n?al 1 *?sb ch?rgi?g c?bl? r??listic for s?ct?on Ð?dl? for ??x w?m?n r??listic Ð?l?ddo for w?m?n ple?s?re s?ct?on