7 Machos Dressed Scented Candle - Veladora Preparada 7 Machos

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The 7 Men dressed candle is a traditional candle used to attract the attention of 7 powerful spirits. The candle is dressed with herbs, powders, and a perfume dram that are said to promote attraction, success, and protection. The candle is also accompanied by a booklet of instructions that will guide you through the ritual of burning the candle. If you are looking for a way to attract the attention of powerful spirits, the 7 Men dressed candle may be the right tool for you. This candle can help you to achieve your goals, to protect yourself from harm, and to find success in all areas of your life. Here are some of the benefits of using a 7 Men dressed candle: It can help you to attract the attention of powerful spirits. It can help you to achieve your goals. It can help you to protect yourself from harm. It can help you to find success in all areas of your life. Burn this candle to bring good energy and positive fortune in love, money and protection. -*- La lograda mezcla que compone la fragancia Siete Machos encanta a las mujeres. Úsela para despertar un deseo incontrolable y sensual. Ayudará para lograr momentos placenteros, memorables.