5 Lb Pulverized Leonardite - Natural Unaltered Oxidized Lignite - 70 percent Humic Acid

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--Increased Crop Yields-- Improves root development, total leaf area and total crop yields per acre. --Increased Root Growth-- Root system vigor increases the nutrient uptake capability of plants, the plant's ability to combat disease, and plants are better able to find and absorb water with a broad based root system. --Increased Chlorophyll Content-- Increases the chlorophyll content in plants, and can prevent or correct chlorosis. --Increased Nutrient Uptake-- Consistently improves the uptake of nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and iron, as well as innumerable trace elements essential for plant health. --Improved Plant Quality-- Humates can improve the quality of fruit, vegetables, and flowers by improving their physical appearance, and in the case of food crops, their nutritional value. Cereal crops have shown more balanced amino acid content, and higher protein content. All of this can enhance their worth in the marketplace. --Enhanced Natural Defenses-- Many toxins are inhibited or neutralized directly by bonding interactions with humic acids. Healthy plants which receive all of their required nutrients are better able to combat disease and pests. --Improved Soil Structure-- Humus combines with clay minerals to form structural units called aggregates which help to stabilize the soil and increase its permeability to water and gaseous exchanges. The use of humates can prevent soil cracking, which exposes roots to the air and can cause crops to burn in severe heat conditions and improves overall soil structure to help defend against erosion. --Improved Water Retention-- Humates can hold up to 20 times their weight in water. By enhancing the soil's ability to retain water, humate usage can reduce the need for crop irrigation. This can be especially helpful with sandy soils, and contributes a large measure of drought resistance to crops. --Adjusts Soil pH--Humates create an environment where plants are able to grow healthy in a wider pH range.