5 Fresh Lemongrass Cutting, Cymbopogon, mosquito Repellent live Organic plant

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There 5 stalks have been soaked in water and ready for planting Under ideal conditions, lemongrass will grow into a very hefty shrub, about five feet tall and wide, or even more. It can become so dense that some people even grow lemongrass as a screen or hedge… so pick a spacious permanent area in your garden for it. The stalks should be ready for harvest in two to four months, and will grow back if you snap off or cut the stalk about an inch above the ground. You can also cut the stalk away from the plant (with rootstock intact) to propagate more plants. Step 1 Find a location in the garden that gets more than six hours of sun each day. The location needs to be well-drained, as lemon grass cannot sit in waterlogged soil for long periods of time. If you are planting more than one plant, the plants need to be spaced 3 or 4 feet apart. They will grow to full size in one season. Step 1 Find a location in the garden that gets more than six hours of sun each day. The location needs to be well-drained, as lemon grass cannot sit in waterlogged soil for long periods of time. If you are planting more than one plant, the plants need to be spaced 3 or 4 feet apart. They will grow to full size in one season. Step 2 Clear the area of weeds, because lemon grass does not compete well with other vegetation. Add a 1-inch layer of compost over the planting area along with the recommended amount of granulated organic fertilizer. Look on the fertilizer label for recommended fertilizer amounts to add to the soil. Gently work the fertilizer and compost into the top inch of soil with a hoe, and rake the area smooth.