Daikon Radish& lt div Sedum sediformeDescriptionThis plant features good blue-green color and provides a strong texture due to its foliage. Appearance is similar to Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce', but has thicker leaves and more substantial presence on a green roof. Yellow flowers also bloom Midsummer. Sedum sediforme has the same sensitivity as rupestres to wet seasons, but it is not as hardy. Best used in small groups or as an accent plant. This is a custom order plant. Please contact the office for lead times.Pronunciation: SEE-dum sed-ih-form-ee
Family: Crassulaceae
Synonym: Sedum altissimum, Sedum nicaeense
Common Name: Pale Stonecrop
Plant Type:
- perennial
- succulent and cactus
Height to: 6
Width to: 12
USDA Hardiness Zones:
- -10 to -20ºF ZONE 5
- 0 to -10ºF ZONE 6
- 10 to 0ºF ZONE 7
- 20 to 10ºF ZONE 8
Bloom Description: Sedum sediforme (Pale Stonecrop) produce star shaped, yellow flowers
Bloom Season:
- mid spring
- late spring
- early summer
- mid summer
Sun Exposure:
- full sun
- part sun
Soil Type: Under glass, grow tender species in a mix of 3 parts soil based potting mix, 2 parts grit and 1 part leaf mold. Outdoors, grow in moderately fertile, well drained, neutral to slightly alkaline soil.
Plant Perks:
- Suitable for Houseplant
- Rock Garden
- Erosion Control Pests and Diseases:Sedum sediforme (Pale Stonecrop) is susceptible to mealybugs, scale insects, slugs, snails Propagation: To propagate sedum, sow seed of hardy species in containers in cold frame in autumn. Sow seed of annuals and biennials at 55-61ºF in early spring, or in situ in midspring. Sow tender species at 59-64ºF in early spring. Divide in spring. For perennials, subshrubs, and shrubs, take softwood cuttings of non-flowering shoots in early summer. Individual leaves of large species may be rooted in summer. Winter Sowing Zones: zone 5-8 Notes:Sedum sediforme Exported By ExportYourStore