200 S??ds Cornflow?r B?ch?lor Button T?ll R?d H??rloom Flow?r Sun/Sh?d?

Was: $82.72
Now: $41.36
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Cornflow?r / B?ch?lor Button T?ll R?d H??rloom W?ldflow?r Sun/Sh?d? Non-Gmo 100 S??dsch??r?nthus ?ll?on??b??nn??l; Grows Up To 16 ?nch?s??rly S??son Bloom?rpr?f?rs Full Sun ?xposur?pur? S??d – Fr?sh – No F?ll?rsproduct D?scr?pt?ongrow H??rloom B?ch?lor Buttons - Pl?nt T?ll R?d Cornflow?r S??dscornflow?r "T?ll R?d" ?s P?rh?ps Th? Most M?j?st?c Of Th? B?ch?lor Buttons ?nd Th? On? Th?t ?s H?ghly Sought ?ft?r By Tru? W?ldflow?r G?rd?n?rs. P??r W?th T?ll Blu? ?nd T?ll Wh?t? For ? P?tr?ot?c D?spl?y!F?st F?ctsn?m?: Cornflow?r / B?ch?lor Button S??ds - T?ll R?dbot?n?c?l N?m?: C?nt?ur?? Cy?nusl?f? Cycl?: ?nnu?ll?ght R?qu?r?m?nt: Full Sun, P?rt??l Sunpl?nt?ng S??son: Spr?ngpl?nt Typ?: T?ll H?b?t, Doubl? D??sy-L?k? Flow?r H??ds, L?nc?ol?t? L??f Sh?p?, Br?nch?ng St?msf??tur?s: H??rloom, ?ttr?cts Poll?n?tors, D??r R?s?st?nt, Drought Tol?r?nt, Poor So?l Tol?r?nt, Cut Flow?r G?rd?n, ?xt?nd?d Bloom T?m?, Cont??n?r G?rd?n, ?d?bl?color: R?dblooms: Spr?ng,