18 Digestive Enzymes 120 Caps Not 60 for Digestion Gas Bloating by Dr Valerie Nelson

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Now: $79.98
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Developed for Dr. Valerie Nelson, Board Certified Integrative Medicine, Intestinal Enhancer is one of the most complete digestive multi enzymes for optimum digestive health on the market. Most of the other digestive enzymes only have 60 capsules (or less) in their formulations and are more expensive.

If you do a cost and ingredient comparison, Intestinal Enhancer is the most comprehensive, professionally developed formulation at a very good value. It contains 18 different digestive enzymes.

Dr. Nelson has worked successfully with over 1,000 patients. You should have confidence going with a product that has an excellent track record among her clients. Intestinal Enhancer is formulated with a diverse range of 18 different enzymes to help ensure proper digestion with each meal regardless of the food groups.

Some of the results that Dr. Nelson, has seen with this formulation are: less gas & bloating; reduction or complete elimination of stomach pain; less back & joint pain (as Intestinal Enhancer has an anti-inflammatory effect). The recommended use is 1 to 2 capsules with each meal or as needed.

This product is not tested on animals.

Complimentary Products are Dr. Valerie Nelson Professional Probiotics & Candida Fungus Fighters. Go to Candida Fungus Fighters for more explanation of how these work together. There is a promotion if you buy these 3 products together. See Promotions (above - Special Offers).