1783 Map Bowles's new map of North America and the West Indies, exhibiting the British Empire therein with the limits and boundaries of the United States as also the dominions possessed in that quarte

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Title: Bowles's new map of North America and the West Indies, exhibiting the British Empire therein with the limits and boundaries of the United States as also the dominions possessed in that quarter, by the Spaniards, the French & other European states, the whole compiled from the best surveys and authentic memoirs which have appeared to the present year, 1783. Description Notes: Scale ca. 1:5,500,000. Hand colored. Prime meridian: Ferro. "Publish'd as the Act directs 2. Jan. 1783." Includes historic notes. Insets: A particular map of Baffin and Hudson Bays ca. 1:18,000,000--A map of the country between Montreal, Albany and Oswego ca. 1:2,360,000 Map of North America, 1750-1789, 100 Vault AACR2 Published: London, Printed for Carington Bowles, 1783.