150 Coin Wrappers & Twist N Crimp Wrapper Sealer Made in USA - Preformed Paper Tubes - Assorted Sizes - 60 Quarters, 30 Pennies, 30 Nickels and 30 Dimes

Was: $97.88
Now: $48.94
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There isn't a house that you won't find extra change scattered  around on couches, cushions, in pockets,  drawers or anywhere else.

In addition - nobody likes to carry all these heavy coins in the wallet or pocket.

So instead of having these coins around the house, just put them in our premium coin wrappers. It is easy to save them or take them to the bank .

It is also a fun way to teach your kids  or grandkids how to save and to have family time together inserting the various coins in the tubes.

Our SPECIAL bundle contains 150 coin wrappers (30 pennies, 30 dimes, 30 nickels and 60 quarters) + 2 double sided crimpers (with all 4 options of the coin wrappers in the set).

We are proudly manufacturing our wrappers IN THE USA.

The wrappers come in a box to keep them safe and ready for your use - You can filll them by hand or by using an automatic coin sorter.

They all come nested (besides the extra 30 quarters) - to save space and time .

For our crimped end coin wrappers we use ABA color-coded, double wrapped, kraft 60lb. paper.

This buy is 100% RISK FREE - If for any reason you choose to return the wrappers, you can do so within 30 days after purchase and be 100% refunded. 

So don't think twice - Buy now  and start saving money.