1208-Mongolian Giant Sunflower -Helianthus annuus- Seeds by Robsrareandgiantseeds UPC0764425788614 Non-GMOOrganicUSA GrowerCompetitionsShowy ButterflyBeesHummingbirds1208 Package of 7 Seeds

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Now: $32.28
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Our 7 Mongolian Giant Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Seeds * * Packaged by Robsrareandgiantseeds. -This plant is Great for hummingbirds ,butterfiles and bee's.. .... Flowers: Very Showy *Heirloom,..Garden Uses Beds and borders,Tall sunflowers can be planted in formation: as forests, playhouses or teepees. You can even grow colorful vines like scarlet runner beans up the stalks if you give the sunflowers several weeks head start..* *The seeds, which make tasty snacks for songbirds, are large and easy to handle. Like Jack's beanstalk, the plants grow quickly skyward, and the flower heads look cheerful and lion-like. *Growing these giant sunflowers is a great way for getting children inspired to enjoy the garden...It is hardy to Zones 1 - 11 ...