12 lbs White Portland Cement

Was: $109.88
Now: $54.94
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Please buy from Chemical Clearinghouse for the cleanest and brightest White Portland Cement. Its recommended to use a scale when making batches, it helps with keeping your mixes consistent. The formula below is the one that I use to make my products. The cement is the glue that holds it all together, and the sand and rocks add strength to the finished project. Basic Concrete formulation, based on weights. White Portland Cement - 4 lbs, Sand and/or aggregates(small pebbles or rocks)- 6 lbs, Water 1.32 lbs, Colorant - 0.04 to 0.40 lbs, most use a pigment mixture. White Portland cement is similar to ordinary, gray Portland cement except for its high degree of whiteness. Obtaining this color requires substantial modification to the method of manufacture, and because of this, it is somewhat more expensive than the gray product. White Portland cement is used in combination with white aggregates to produce white concrete for prestige construction projects and decorative work. White concrete usually takes the form of pre-cast cladding panels, since it is not economical to use white cement for structural purposes. White Portland cement is also used in combination with inorganic pigments to produce brightly colored concretes and mortars. Ordinary cement, when used with pigments, produces colors that may be attractive, but are somewhat dull.