10 pk Social Distancing Floor Decals for Floor and tile Stand Here Floor Decal 6 Feet Apart Sticker Social Distancing Signage with social distancing sign bulk stickers Stand Here Floor Sticker pack

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Social Distancing signs to help you open back up your business, and have floor markers for your customers to know where to stand on the social distance floor decal. Social Distance Floor Stickers brand sticker pack of 10 large Vinyl floor stickers. Each design is different, and various color options available to choose from of 6ft distance floor decals, Stand here social distancing floor decal, and various other pattern stickers pack . Big and bright 6 feet distance sign sticker decals to help everyone maintain the proper distance between one another to stay safe. The social distance sticker we offer is 10-11 inches, they are big stickers floor sign carpet markers in floor decal stickers pack of 10 of the same pattern and design. One way social distance decals help to keep customers safely walking the same way down an aisle. We also offer Stop sign floor decals to prevent shoppers from walking down the wrong way. Stickers and made of a vinyl PVC to walkand stand on. Perfect for retail stores and businesses with checkout registers and customers waiting in lines. Sticks great to carpet, wood, tile, and even concrete.