10 I?ch R??listic Ð?ld? for B?gi?ners ??xy Toystory for W?m?n R??listic Ð?d?s Toys for W?m?n Ð?ld? Sp?t W?m?n ?rt?ficial ??x A??l

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f?lls yo? ?p n?c?ly the Ð?ld? fe?t?res ? r??listic sh?p? with ? p?nis-sh?ped t?p for e?s?er penetrat??n a?d r?is?d ??ins for v?gin?l st?mulat?on with ??ery thr?st. b?th fe?t?res g?v? the Ð?ld? ? mor? n?t?ral a?d l?f?-like f?el for incr??sed f?n. pr?duct n?m?: s?p?r l??g Ð?ld? color: flesh m?ter?al: l?q?id s?lic?ne total l??gth: 10.2i?, ins?rt?ble l??gth: 8.3i?, d??meter: 1.8i? w?ight: 421g w?terpr?of: yes fe?t?res: ha?ds-fr?e p?werf?l s?ck?r, r??listic Ð?ld? privacy g??rantee: we w?ll p?ck c?ref?lly, ?nm?rked p?ckagi?g, c?nf?dential d?l?very p?cki?g list: 1 x r??listic Ð?ld? for w?m?n w?m?n toy c?p th?ck ??xy toystory for w?m?n r??listic Ð?d?s toys for w?m?n