10 Hybrid Willow Tree Plant - Austree Cuttings Grow 12 Foot 1st Season - Create Instant Privacy Fence Hedge Fast Shade - Live Trees Fast Growing - Twigz Nursery

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Hybrid tree plants are the fastest growing trees out there. Hybrid willow roots do not grow large and deep but they grow in organized mats that just spread below the surface. Hybrid willow trees love water and are planted in flooded areas because they have ability to absorb water quickly. However, they are drought tolerant also. Privacy fences of willow trees give a beautiful look to your yard and are environmentally friendly. They do not have seeds or suckers and can be trimmed to be more of a privacy bush if you desire. Obviously, these willow hybrid trees are very fast growing. Don't be so concerned about how they grow; as you can trim as needed. If you want them tall, trim the bottom if you want them dense and short trim the tops. You will be very amazed to know that if you keep them in water for a week or two, you will see roots sprouting everywhere. We call this the quick start method and these starts will come with very detailed instructions for growth. Keep them moist in a cool location with plenty of sunlight. These live plants make such a great gift for your family and friends. Great for children, as they are so easy to grow and handle. Satisfaction is our first priority or we will refund or replace! Enjoy this tree and enjoy shade, privacy, and wind block for your yard . Instructions are thorough and don't hesitate to ask any quesitons.